While we can document large-scale changes in the high mountains well over decades, there are hardly any observations of local or sudden events. This means that we are missing an important building block to better understand the current changes. With myALPICS, we, the Vienna University of Technology and Eurac Research, are trying to close this existing gap in the monitoring of alpine valleys using citizen science.
Have you noticed something? A stream has changed? Then photograph it with myALPICS. Are you passing a historical picture? Recreate the photo so that we can make the changes more visible together.
Your safety always comes first: Never put yourself in danger or use myALPICS in a way that could put you or others in danger. The locations where the historical images were taken were determined automatically and may therefore be located in steep, impassable terrain. Therefore, never blindly trust the instructions in the app, but always respect your own abilities and assessments.
TU Wien
Department für Geodäsie und Geoinformation
Forschungsbereich Photogrammetrie E120-07
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8/E120-07
1040 Wien
Purpose of data processing
- Scientific research of landscape changes as part of a citizen science project to close the temporal and spatial gap in the observation of high alpine regions in the context of climate change.
- Provision of a functional website and app
Data protection and its safeguarding are important concerns of TU Wien. Personal data is processed in strict compliance with the principles and requirements laid down in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Austrian Data Protection Act (DSG). myALPICS only processes data that is necessary to achieve the intended purposes and always endeavors to ensure the security and accuracy of the data. All data is exclusively stored onservers located at TU Wien in Vienna (Austria) and not shared with anyone. The valid data protection regulations can be downloaded here
Data privacy statement
All texts on the homepage have been carefully checked. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information. Liability is therefore excluded. The links to other websites have been carefully checked. Since myALPICS has no influence on their content, liability is also excluded.
myALPICS was primarily developed for smartphones using either Google Chrome or Safari Web Browser. Hence, on other browsers or devices functionality and user experience might be reduced. In case you face problems please contact us at
- General content: All content on myALPICS, in particular the historical images, is subject to copyright. No content from myALPICS may be reproduced or copied in any way without the explicit permission of the respective copyright holder. In can you want to reuse certain content. it is therefore required that you contact us in advance.
- Uploaded images: By registering on myALPICS, the user agrees that the images uploaded to myALPICS are released under the CC-BY-SA license. With this license everyone is free to use, build upon and redistribute the uploaded images as long as they give appropriate credit (Image by Username via myALPICS.com). Furthermore, any derived products must be distributed under the same license. myALPICS has decided to use this license as we want that you, as citizens, also get credit in case the images are used subsequently.
- Used datasets
- Orthophoto Austria: Tiles © basemap.at (Orthophoto)
- Orthophoto South Tyrol: Autonome Provinz Bozen - Provincia autonoma di Bolzano
- Orthophoto Trentino: Ortofoto2015 © Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Servizio Geologico - Ufficio Sistemi Informativi
- Other sources: